The last of the four DISC factors is Compliance, or simply 'C'. This is perhaps the most complex of the four factors. Traditionally, High-C's (people showing a high level of Compliance) are categorised simply as 'rule-oriented'. However, this is only part of the story - the factor represents a far more sophisticated element of the behaviour, as we shall endeavour to explain in this section. The root of this complexity lies in the derivation of the factor: those with this element in their style desire control, but have a naturally passive approach. Compliance is the right-most factor shown on a DISC profile. It is the factor of structure, detail and fact, and individuals displaying high levels are interested in precision and accuracy. Because they are naturally passive and reticent to speak out unless called on by others, it is often imagined that High-C's are lacking in ambition. In fact, this is not the case - in this specific sense, they are similar to highly Dominant individuals in their desire for control over their environment. Because of their passive style, however, they will try to achieve this control through the use of structure and procedure, insisting on rules and defined codes of conduct to achieve their ends. This is the root of the 'rule-oriented' style we mentioned above. Individuals with high levels of Compliance dislike pressure, and will tend to adopt an evasive style when confronted with difficult circumstances. In extremely difficult situations, they are prone to disregard problems or delay actions until they become completely unavoidable. The rule-oriented aspect of the High-C often takes in wider aspects of life than simply corporate rule-structures or established procedures. Individuals of this kind usually have personal codes of behaviour, and tend to regard etiquette and tradition as important. Because of their inherent desire for fact and detail, it is also common to find that Compliant styles have a relatively broad general knowledge, or specific knowledge or skills. This interest in the way things work means that Compliant styles are often drawn to technical work, or jobs involving the organisation of information, situations in which their personal talents can come to the fore. |