Thoughtful individuals plan their words and actions carefully and never act on impulse. Deadlines and other time constraints are difficult for this type of person to deal with. Their advantage, however, is the reliability and steadiness they bring to their work. As a sub-trait, the term thoughtfulness refers specifically to the fact that individuals with element in their profile tend to think, plan and consider more than most other types. In common use, 'thoughtfulness' also often indicates someone who is considerate, or takes other people's feelings into account. Though this isn't part of the 'technical' definition of the sub-trait, people with high Steadiness in their profile often display such considerate traits in their styles. The specific form taken by Thoughtfulness will often depend on the level of Compliance present in the profile under consideration. Where this is high, Thoughtfulness combines with Accuracy, leading to a disciplined, purposeful approach, where actions are carefully planned with caution and care. Where the Compliance level is low, Thoughtfulness becomes a less focused sub-trait. In this case, it can often be used to reinforce a High-S's resistance to change or direct action: the person concerned will prefer to think and plan than act directly. |