Self-motivation appears in a DISC profile where Dominance is higher than Steadiness. Action is a key ingredient of this sub-trait. This type of person feels a need to be active all the time, and is impatient with those who are unwilling or unable to keep up with their urgent pace. They react quickly to new developments, but never lose sight of their own goals and ambitions. Self-motivation is very common in highly Dominant profiles: it reflects the self-reliant elements of that factor. Such individuals are capable of accepting personal responsibility for their action, and indeed are often eager to do so. Profiles of this kind reflect individuals who can deal with confrontation and pressure as part of their daily lives. Self-motivated styles are strongly motivated by personal success; they tend to be competitive by nature (as are most Dominant styles). As we have seen, though, patience is not an element of a self-motivated style. People of this kind look to see immediate results, so long-term planning and thoughtful consideration of problems rarely occur. |