Efficiency appears in a DISC profile when Dominance is significantly higher than Influence. An efficient individual is direct and assertive, but has little or no interest in personal matters. They take an objective, analytical view and drive towards their goals ruthlessly and relentlessly. They need to see results, and are quite willing to compromise quality or detail to get them. The name of this sub-trait, Efficiency, comes from the sense of single-minded purpose, and need to see concrete results, that are associated with styles that possess it. It does not necessarily indicate an organised or formal approach, though it does not preclude these elements either. While there are many profile shapes that can relate to Efficiency, it most often appears in one of two distinct styles, shown opposite. In the first of these, Dominance appears with no other balancing factors - this is an entrepreneurial style, in which the sub-trait of Efficiency enables an individual to focus on their targets and make immediate decisions, without being easily distracted from their purpose. The second common style, where Dominance is balanced somewhat by Compliance, tempers this need for immediate results with a more structured and formal approach. Profiles of this kind are more commonly seen within the structure of an organisation. |