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DISC: A Layman's Guide
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Video: Introduction to DISC
DISC Profile Interpretations
DISC Factors
Team Building with DISC
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DISC profiling since 1994
(214) 613-3983
Individual Reports
Agency Opportunities
DISC: A Layman's Guide
What is DISC?
Video: Introduction to DISC
DISC Profile Interpretations
DISC Factors
Team Building with DISC
History and Development of DISC
Personality Types
Applications: Putting DISC to Work
Validity and Reliability of DISC
Knowledge Base
(214) 613-3983
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DISC Builds Better Teams

Illustration: working as a team

The Importance of Team Building

  • Effective teamwork is not just the domain of professional sportsmen. Every good business manager knows the importance of team building. It's essential that employees can effectively work together to consistently achieve their company's goals.
  • However, no amount of team building exercises or weekend retreats can tell you with certainty if the members of your present or proposed teams are even compatible, let alone can work together as a highly tuned unit. Using personality profiling and DISC team building techniques, we can.

DISC Team Building

  • A DISC Team Profile is a powerful business tool that helps you create effective new teams, and explore the dynamics, roles and relationships inside any group of people to maximise their potential.
  • The Team Profile uses powerful and proven DISC psychometrics to build team profiles for any set of individuals to help understand how they can effectively work together, their individual roles, skills and leadership potential within the team.

Making Team Building Easy

  • DISC broadly describes teams through four core factors:
  • From these core factors, we can produce a thorough exploration of the personality-related features and performance of the team.
  • For role assessment, we also incorporate the powerful PPF role model, (Pace, Perspective, Focus), to describes team members. This model identifies attitudes and roles within the team.

DISC Team Roles

  • Adapter
  • Administrator
  • Architect
  • Balanced
  • Brainstormer
  • Consultant
  • Counsellor
  • Designer
  • Director
  • Empathiser
  • Energiser
  • Explorer
  • Finaliser
  • Improviser
  • Interpreter
  • Motivator
  • Observer
  • Organiser
  • Originator
  • Presenter
  • Producer
  • Proposer
  • Reviewer
  • Socialiser
  • Sympathiser
  • Technician
  • Thinker
  • We can analyse these roles and show areas where the team excels, and also where types of role need to be more strongly represented.

FREE and Unlimited

  • The DISC Team Profile feature is totally free when you open a business account. What's more, unlike some companies, there is no limit to the number of times you can use this powerful software. So don't lose out - the beginning of your perfect team is just a few clicks away.
Video poster

Finding New Team Members

  • We can also find the best new members for an existing team. Just define the qualities you're looking for to create a Role Profile, and it will find the closest matching candidates.
Illustration: Team members

Automated Team Building

  • It's even possible to generate potential teams completely automatically. Just specify the most important features of a new team, and then search through individual personality profiles and find the best possible combinations.
  • This automated process filters and assesses thousands of potential team members in minutes, homing in on the optimum group structure. We can even suggest which members have the potential to make the most effective team leader.

Choose which of our great value business packages is best for you, and you'll be up and running in just a few minutes.

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